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Modify Zero-fee Transfer

Every spore, when created, is fueled with 1 CKByte as transaction fee that covers about 100,000 future transactions. This default setting, referred as the Zero-fee Transfer feature enables recipients to transact spores without additional costs.

Modify Zero-fee Transfer Feature

If you want to modify this feature by adding additional CKBytes, or if the spore was created without the capacity margin, you can utilize the transferSpore API to "refuel":

import { transferSpore } from '@spore-sdk/core';
import { BI } from '@ckb-lumos/lumos';

let { txSkeleton } = await transferSpore({
capacityMargin: BI.from(1_0000_0000), // Add 1 CKB as margin, default is 0
useCapacityMarginAsFee: false, // Disable the feature
  • outPoint - Specifies the target spore for configuration, identified by its transaction hash and index.
  • toLock - The lock script of the new owner/recipient of the spore (which remains with the original owner in this case).
  • fromInfos - The transaction's sponsors, specifies where to collect capacity from.
  • capacityMargin - Capacity allocated as future transaction fees.
  • useCapacityMarginAsFee- Specifies whether to pay fee with the target spore's capacity margin, default to "true", if false, the transaction is paid with capacity collected from the fromInfos

Essentially, you:

  1. Transfer the spore to the owner itself
  2. Set the capacityMargin to add additional capacity as margin
  3. Use wallet funds to pay for this transaction

You can't set capacityMargin and have useCapacityMarginAsFee as true at the same time.