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DOB/0 Protocol


The first step in the DOB protocol family. The DOB/0 protocol specifies the configuration method and interface format of the decoder on DOB and provides a universal decoder to reduce the development workload of most applications.

DOB/0 Decoder

Configuration Method

In the DOB/0 protocol, the issuer should store the decoder configuration information in the description field of the Spore Cluster. This piece of configuration information should be a JSON object encoded in UTF-8 format, with the following format:

"description": "This is the description for cluster",
"dob": {
"ver": 0,
"decoder": {
"type": "code_hash", // or "type_id"
"hash": "...",
"pattern": [] // Any type

description: String type, description information for the Spore cluster.

dob.ver: Numeric type, representing the DOB protocol version number, which should always be 0 in DOB/0.

dob.decoder.type: String type, specifying the way to find a decoder:

  • code_hash: Find the cell whose CKB hash value of its data is dob.decoder.hash.
  • type_id: Find the cell whose type_script.args is dob.decoder.hash. Cell's type script must be Type ID.

dob.decoder.hash: Prefixed hexadecimal string type. See above.

dob.pattern: Any type, determined by the decoder.

Create a DOB/0 cluster via Spore SDK:

import { createCluster } from '@spore-sdk/api';
import { bytifyRawString } from '@spore-sdk/helpers/buffer';

const account = ...;
const dob_metadata = {
description: 'this is the description for cluster',
dob: {
ver: 0,
decoder: {
type: 'code_hash',
hash: '...',
pattern: [["Age", "number", 1, 1, "range", [0, 100]]],

const { txSkeleton, outputIndex } = await createCluster({
data: {
name: 'My First DOB Cluster',
description: bytifyRawString(JSON.strinify(dob_metadata)),
fromInfos: [account.address],
toLock: account.lock

// sign for txSkeleton

Interface Format

Server will provide two parameters, DNA and Pattern to the DOB/0 decoder:

DNA: byte group type, the data of DNA specified in DOB parsed as a hexadecimal string.

Pattern: byte group type. If the Pattern type specified in Cluster is string, this parameter is the data encoded in Utf-8 format. Otherwise, the parameter is the Pattern string encoded in JSON format and then in Utf-8 format.

The output of DOB/0 decoders should follow the format:

{ "name": "Trait A", "traits": [{ "String": "Trait A Value" }] },
{ "name": "Trait B", "traits": [{ "Number": 100 }] }

name is the unique index of the attribute. If the same name appears multiple times, the parser should consider all arrays of its values combined.

When the corresponding traits under a name has only one element, the parser can consider this element to be a single value directly corresponding to name. For situations with a dynamic traits array and the length may be one, the decoder should use an inline array to avoid ambiguity.

Each element in traits should have one and only one key-value pair representing its type and value. The case of multiple key-value pairs is an undefined behaviour.

DOB/0 Universal Decoder

DNA Definition

In the DOB/0 protocol, DNA should be stored in the content field of the DOB. DNA can be a UTF-8 encoded JSON format of a string, the first element in an array, or a property in an object, or it can also be raw bytes prefixed with 0:

// or
// or
bytifyRawString(JSON.stringify({ "dna": "df4ffcb5e7a283ea7e6f09a504d0e256" }))
// or
[0, 223, 79, 252, 181, 231, 162, 131, 234, 126, 111, 9, 165, 4, 208, 226, 86]

DNA is an unprefixed hexadecimal string type.

Minting a DOB using the DOB/0 universal decoder via the Spore SDK:

import { createSpore } from '@spore-sdk/api';
import { bytifyRawString } from '@spore-sdk/helpers/buffer';

const account = ...;
const dob_cluster_id = ...;
const dob_content = {
dna: 'df4ffcb5e7a283ea7e6f09a504d0e256'

const { txSkeleton, outputIndex } = await createSpore({
data: {
content_type: 'dob/0',
content: bytifyRawString(JSON.strinify(dob_content)),
cluster_id: dob_cluster_id
fromInfos: [account.address],
toLock: account.lock

// sign for txSkeleton

Pattern Definition

For the comprehensive consideration of ease of use, readability and reducing CKB occupancy, the universal decoder accepts a JSON array type as a pattern:

/* [
], */
["Laugh", "Smile", "Sad", "Angry"]
[0, 100]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
"Lucky Number",
1, // From same the DNA of the age. Your lucky number and age are related.

The meanings of the elements in each subarray from top to bottom are:

name: String type, the name of the attribute.

type: String type, the type of attribute.

offset and len: Numeric types, which together specify a segment in DNA, to derive data based on pattern. Segments that exceed the DNA's length will be trimmed.

pattern: String type, optional:

  • options: Limited options. Randomly select one from the args array as the value of the attribute.
  • range: The type field must be number. Randomly selecting a number within [args[0], args[1]).
  • utf8 : The type field must be string. The DNA segment is parsed according to UTF-8 encoding, ignoring all 0x00 at the end.
  • raw and type: number: Parse the DNA into an unsigned number in little-endian order.
  • raw and type: string: Prefixed hex string data for DNA.

args: Optional array type. The function is as above.

Universal Decoder Deployments

// CKB Testnet
decoder: {
type: 'code_hash',
hash: '0x1c84212ebd817e9de09d2a79f85cc421b684eda63409cfa75688f98716e77b5f',
tx_hash: '0xc877aca405da6a3038054cb5da20f2db0ed46bb643007d4e0b1d3fe7da155bf0',
out_index: 0,

// CKB Mainnet
decoder: {
type: 'code_hash',
hash: '0x1c84212ebd817e9de09d2a79f85cc421b684eda63409cfa75688f98716e77b5f',
tx_hash: '0xa84f9426f378109dfa717cb3a29fb79b764bf466a7c2588aebcdecc874bcc984',
out_index: 0,

Appendix: A possible way to generate DNA

Creating DNA is obtained through a simple hash operation, and the output byte length is consistent with the length needed by the pattern. To ensure the uniqueness and randomness of DNA, we recommend hashing the combination of the block number/hash and the input outpoint. The specific code is as follows (taking Rust as an example):

const CKB_HASH_PERSONALIZATION: &[u8] = b"ckb-default-hash";

// By Block Number and Cell Id
let block_number = 12559090u64;
let cell_id = {
let tx_hash =
let out_index = 0u32;
let mut hash = Blake2bBuilder::new(8)
let mut cell_id = [0u8; 8];
hash.finalize(&mut cell_id);
let dna = {
let mut hash = Blake2bBuilder::new(12)
let mut dna = [0u8; 12];
hash.finalize(&mut dna);

// By Block Hash and Outpoint(More random)
let block_hash = h256!("0xb140a915e5fdb9fff472376b82ebcc23b6f0b2508f58ed03fdeed4d563c8eca4");
let out_point = {
let tx_hash =
let out_index = 0u32;
let dna = {
let mut hash = Blake2bBuilder::new(12)
let mut dna = [0u8; 12];
hash.finalize(&mut dna);